Wastewater Treatment Plants Weapons Of Mass Destruction?
As the Zika virus and other brain ailments soar around the world, it’s time for cities to take an honest assessment of their role in the emerging crisis. It’s right under their nose.
Infectious mosquitoes are a symptom of mismanaged infectious waste. There are several steps that we can take to stop the spread of Zika virus and the broader threat of neurodegenerative disease.
- Stop spreading misinformation. Neurodegenerative disease is infectious and millions of victims are producing tons of infectious waste every day (blood, saliva, mucus, urine, feces and tissue) that ends up in the sewage stream. Deadly and unstoppable contagions known as prions proceed to mutate and multiply.
- Stop dumping infectious waste on land like it’s fertilizer. It’s contaminating our food and water supplies. It’s feeding and infecting mosquitoes. The pathways to you and your family are numerous. Mosquitoes are just one. http://crossbowcommunications.com/land-application-of-sewage-sludge-spreading-brain-disease/
- Declare war on infectious waste, not just mosquitoes. It’s time to reclassify sewage sludge and biosolids as infectious waste not fertilizer. Enforce the Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002, which is there to protect our food, water and air from deadly agents, including nerve agents found in modern sewage streams.
Thanks to reckless policy and practices, cities are dumping deadly dirty bombs on our crops and into our water supplies daily.
People who consume tainted food, water and air are at risk of brain disease, respiratory disease, cancer, endocrine disruption and much more. Answers begin with the truth.